As the world’s premier free soloist and adventure climber, BD Athlete Alex Honnold has a reputation for BIG sends.

So, when we were recently invited to check out his latest projects in Red Rock, Nevada, we first imagined endless sandstone pitches with epic vistas from the summits. Then we learned that the “Honnbold” was working on something a little different.
“It’s all just good practice for the real rock climbing.”
Turns out, you don’t get as confident as Honnold on the rock without broadening your repertoire of moves and expanding your comfort zone. That’s why we found his projects to be a little smaller than we expected. But as he put it, “It’s all just good practice for the real rock climbing.”
Follow along as we go for a tour of Honnold’s local low balls.
The Honnold Foundation supports solar energy access because it’s so tangible, and so universally effective. Solar energy can bring light to a single family in Malawi as a lantern, or transform the resilience and sustainability of an entire city at utility scale. HF does most of its work somewhere in between supporting community scale projects that increase climate resilience, bolster social and economic equity, reduce environmental impact, and improve peoples’ lives.
Source credit - Black Diamond